petite anglaise

July 7, 2004

calpol and suppositories

Filed under: misc — petiteanglaiseparis @ 9:15 pm

At home today with hot flushes, cold shivers, exhaustion, aching joints … – probably a virus but I daren’t go to see a French GP as (s)he would call for intravenous antibiotics and present me with a ten item long prescription. Probably including something “par voie anale“. Ever tried a menthol eucalyptus suppository? The expression ‘ring sting’ was invented for this purpose. Don’t ask me how that can unblock your nasal passages, it’s a mystery to me.

Called The Boss to apologise for not being able to make it in to work. He sounded reasonably sympathetic until he realised mid-way through our conversation that another member of staff was going on holiday at lunchtime and he would be without ‘support’. No-one to type his dictations. The end of the world as we know it.

Personally I’m convinced it does him the world of good once in a while to have a day sans moi. He is invariably very appreciative of me the next day, because he has remembered why I am so indispensable. Must remember to schedule a few days absence just before my next evaluation and pay review.

So, I thought today was a good day to start the weblog. I am however rather drowsy, having run out of grown up paracetamol. In my desperation I worked out that 10 spoons of infant calpol would do the job. Feel rather queasy and am regretting it…

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